
To see the examples, go to /usr/share/q2d/examples or /usr/local/share/q2d/examples directory and launch ./run_demo script. There are four examples; to go to the next one, press CTRL-Esc key.

Try mouse buttons and wheel to shift, expand or stretch the visible part of the plot. The same can be done by arrow keys and arrow keys with Ctrl key held down, “+” (plus) and `-” (minus) keys. The Home key makes all calculated data to fit the plot, the End key returns the plot to its initial size. The Space key pauses and resumes the plotting process. PageUp and PageDn keys allow to switch between plots. All the sample programs have two plots.

There is the possibility to select some curves on the plot and make others invisible by pressing one or several keys of the sequence 0,1,2, .. ,9,a,b,c, ..,w, followed by the Ins key. To return back to viewing all curves, press the Ins key again.

In a general case, each plot can have up to thirty two curves, and the number of plots is practically unlimitted.