Quick2dPlot, or q2q for short, is an open source plotting program for easy and convenient graphical representation of live data streams and a large number of data files.
A user's program typically shall do nothing more than print calculated data to the standard output. During calculations, q2d produces one or more plots with a number of curves. The plots can be viewed in a single window as in an album, by pressing PgUp/PgDn keys. With the mouse or keys, the user can shift, expand or stretch any of live plots without disturbing the data calculation. The calculation process can be paused/resumed by pressing the Space key.
Q2d uses a set of commands that allow manipulation with plots and curves. It deals with named objects of three kinds: buffers, curves and plots. The program has commands for creating, deleting or modifying them. Buffers are expandable data storages, each one for a single data column. Curves correspond to pairs of buffers. Plots are collections of curves. Data can be read into buffers line by line from the standard input, from files by read command, or from output of user's program by readx command. Commands and data for plotting can be mixed in one stream.
The program can be utilized in different ways:
Currently, q2d runs under Linux only. Please go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/q2d to download the source packege. After installation, q2d.pdf file containing this text can be found in /usr/share/q2d/doc or /usr/local/share/q2d/doc directory.