The q2d commands allow to deal with a relatively small number of plots. Predefined Python scripts are the scripts that use the q2d program to perform several common tasks. Currently there are the following Python scripts: "x y z .. " "x-y y-z .. " <file1> <file2> ..
The first argument is a list of variables, the second one represents pairs of variables defining curves to be plotted. Each plot will contain curves of the same type belonging to different files <file1>, <file2>, .. . "x y z .. " "x-y y-z .." <file1> <file2> ..
The same as previous, but each plot contains one curve. "f1(x), .. , fn(x)" "x=a..b" "c..d"
Shows the plot with one or several curves for a given functions of a single variable in a given ranges a .. b for x and c .. d for y.
Examples: "sin(t),cos(t),tan(t)" "t=-2*pi..2*pi" "-3 3" "exp(-x**2)" "x=-3..3"
In the first example, the range -3..3 of y, or some other range, is necessary because tan(t) is unbound.